Dethatching Special! 🍃

Is your lawn looking a bit lackluster? Dethatching might be the solution! 🏡 Dethatching removes the layer of dead grass and organic matter that can build up on your lawn, allowing vital nutrients, water, and air to reach the soil. 🌱 This promotes healthier grass growth and gives your lawn a lush, vibrant look. 🌿

For a limited time, Crosscut Landscaping is offering 10% off our dethatching service. 🎉 Let us rejuvenate your lawn and give it the care it deserves.

Check out our video 📽️ to see how dethatching can transform your lawn. Don't miss out on this fantastic deal—contact us today and let’s make your lawn thrive! 🌞

“Very professional, fast, thorough, and friendly! Highly recommended locally owned company!”

“Nate was quick to respond and arrived in a timely manner. He and his crew did exactly as instructed and did the job well.”

“This lawn service is one of the best I have ever had. Prompt responses from the owner, a diligent crew who doesn't skip the details, and a reasonable price make this service a cut above the rest! Highly recommended.”